If this is your first time in therapy, welcome.
Psychotherapy can be a very special opportunity to understand more deeply the problems you are experiencing and to make the changes which are important to you. Therapy can be a fascinating and stimulating process. It can also be difficult and, at times, painful. While there are no guarantees, your active participation will contribute greatly to this process.
My highest priority is to hold a safe and supportive space for you while you are going through your process. The course looks different for each person. Some things change quickly, some things take a lifetime to change.
If you are in need of help but are experiencing trouble initiating the therapy process, I am here to talk you through it and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please contact me for a free phone consultation.
Again, welcome.
Rachael Butler, MA | (415) 894-9476 | RachaelButlerMA@gmail.com